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(op)gedragen door de wind 


Gedachten dwarrelen, 

ze tuimelen over elkaar, 

konden ze maar zijn 

als herfstbladeren.


Herfstvlinders (Autumn butterflies) is a collection of small poems and thoughts, pressed into fallen leaves of plants and trees. By bruising this organic material, text temporarily appears as part of the transience process. Once printed, the leaves resume their way, carried by the wind they take the words with them. To be found again, or to be overlooked.


Herfstvlinders is a project by Merel Slootheer realized in collaboration with Tekst in Druk. The leaves are printed on a Kelsey Excelsior Mercury Model X 6x10" table top printing press. 

Booklet }

The 15 thoughts and poems from 2022 have been bundled into a small booklet, printed on a Hauer Record proofing press. For which the same clichés were used as for the leaves.


(op)gedragen door de wind

Size booklet: A6

Printed by: Tekst in Druk

Printed on a: Hauer Record proofing press

Paper inside: Munken Print Cream 115 grs.

Paper cover: Bio Top 200 grs.

Font: Trinité No 3 - Bram de Does

Limited numbered edition: 50

Price: €15,00

Film }

Project: Merel Slootheer & Tekst in Druk

Film: TR Visual Creation, Tessa Rietveld

Music: Lesfm, Oleksii Kaplunskyi 

locations }

You can find out where Herfstvlinders resumed their way hereLet me know if, when and where you found one when you do? 

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